Posted :- 2022-08-04 09:05:53

How to Clean Your Baseboards Quickly and Easily

It may not be particularly fun, but cleaning baseboards is faster and easier than you'd think.

When you’re expecting guests, your mind scrolls through the litany of things you need to clean (like, super quickly). And then there are things that you totally forget about until moments before guests walk in. Ahem, cleaning baseboards.

Cue the panic: How did they get so dirty? When was the last time you cleaned them? And will guests really notice them? Face it: Walls and floors get scrubbed, but it’s easy to forget about the few inches of baseboard between the two.

The good news is that cleaning baseboards isn’t hard when you have the right supplies and follow a step-by-step process. Make it a part of your cleaning schedule, along with tasks like cleaning your blinds and drapes, and you’ll never get stuck with a tough, full-house baseboard project again. While you’ve got cleaning on the brain, learn how to clean countertopsstainless steel appliances, and your TV screen.

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